Neil Mason · NEWMIND

Are you truly a leader?

What about you makes you believe that you are indeed a leader? Is it your experience? The fact you are "in charge"? Because you get things done? What does being a leader mean to you?

How did you become a leader? Were you promoted and got a new title? Or do people just seem to want to follow the direction you are going?What is your leadership style? What are your strengths? Where do you need to grow?How do you make sure you keep developing and become a BETTER leader? Or, are you one of the many who believe you can make it on your own, it got you where you are, right?

Marshall Goldsmith wrote a book called "What got you here won't get you there!" Because the truth is, if you are not intentionally developing and improving your leadership skills — you are stuck!Sheila Heen of Harvard Lawschool says about leaders who are not actively developing: "You might not know it, but do you know who does? Everyone else!"

Leadership coaching? Really?

Eric Schmitt (ex-Google CEO) has said it, Bill Gates has said it, many top level leaders have said it … "EVERYBODY NEEDS A COACH" …I don't mean a tennis coach or a personal trainer —
but someone who will be a thinking partner, ask you powerful questions that will make you think think beyond your current thinking and will challenge your beliefs and biases about yourself and others. Someone who will tell you the truth, and risk wading into the tough things you need to figure out about yourself and others. Not someone who will tell you how you should do your job.

You as client …

As a coaching client you will be ready to engage fully in coaching and committed to change and growth towards your full potential.

Me as coach …

I will partner with you and support you in reaching your goals through thought-provoking and challenging dialogue.Sessions will be confidential and adhere to the ICF and EMCC codes of Ethics.

If you would like to explore further with absolutely NO OBLIGATION from your side, or mine to engage in a coaching contract.Please send me a note with your email (I will reply, but will not add you to any lists or newsletters; nor will I chase you up with sales calls or emails).

or book a quick call


Coaching vs Mentoring

Mentoring is a relationship where a more senior person may partner with a less experienced person to help them develop their skills, knowledge or make their way in a new role.A mentor may use coaching techniques. But leadership coaching is not about mentoring a client, but partnering with them in thought.

Coaching vs Consulting

A consultant is an expert who is brought in to help solve specific problems. A consultant will give guidance, advice often in specific technical areas where he/she is an has experience and knowledge.There is often confusion with consultants calling themselves coaches, or "coaches" whose business experience tends to push them more into a consultant mindset.

Coaching vs Training

A trainer will have a specific area of expertise which is being "taught" to those in your company who need new skills or knowledge. Company hires trainers who are experts in their particular field.A coach may offer resources, but will not spend the coaching session training the client — if they do, they are not a coach!

Coaching vs Therapy

Therapy is when a qualified psychologist / therapist / counsellor will "treat" a client who may be going through mental-health issues, burnout, anxiety, grief, and any number of conditions where they need help.Some psychologists are trained as coaches, and are able to work in both areas. Not all coaches are psychologists and work with people where there is a presumption of good mental health. A coach may refer to a psychologist if it is deemed necessary and should have a conversation with the client about what that might look like.

Coaching vs Coaching

There are different types of coaching. There is sports coaching, life coaching, and other types. Anyone can call themselves a coach, but some have taken the time to gain very valid qualifications in the area, where as others would often tend to fall into operating as mentors, consultants and trainers — ask yourself — "do I need someone to tell me how to do my job? Or do I need someone I can trust to help me think more clearly, more deeply and help me grow my own abilities rather than follow their suggestions?" — this might help you choose the type of help you might need. Not everyone will benefit from coaching if they are not sure it is the right tool for the task.

Check the qualifications and experience of your coach. Do they operate within a formal code of ethics which protect you (and them)?If your coach is an ICF or EMCC certified coach, they will abide by a clear code of ethics, be subject to compulsory continual development and training, and need to renew their credential after 3 years (ICF) or 5 years (EMCC).If you went to be the best — get the best coach! That may be me, or it may be someone else!


As an ICF and EMCC credentialed coach, I am formally bound to the code of ethics of these organisations.


Here's what our clients are saying

Coaching sessions with Neil Mason were transformative. I gained new perspectives and self-management tools that enhanced my personal performance and leadership. His approach was deeply insightful, helping me navigate challenges with greater clarity and effectiveness. I highly recommend him to anyone seeking professional and personal growth.

Cristina Moura Rebelo
Head of IT Governance, AI and Project Management

Neil has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the coaching field and he is able to effectively communicate and tailor his sessions to the individual needs of his clients. He's able to structure a talk while opening your mind and raising. He created a comfortable and safe space for me to share; and he goes above and beyond to ensure his clients’ success, not only in their career but also in their personal lives. I am truly grateful for the time and effort Neil invests in me, and I highly recommend him as a coach to anyone looking to improve their lives.

P. Andrade
Engineer & Executive MBA

Neil has worked with me and others in some of my companies for over 10 years. His input as a trainer and coach has been a great asset and contribution to the growth of myself and our team members.

R. Marques
FOUNDER / CEO 7Graus.com

It’s always good whenever I know that I’m going to work side by side with Neil. His hallmark is his interpersonal skills and experience.

R. Gonçalves
Global Executive Thread Intelligence,
Digital investigations and Insider Trust at IBM


What are some typical coaching topics leaders may want to work on with a coach?At each coaching session the client (you) will choose an area that is important for you to work on in yourself and your role. Topics vary, but mainly whatever is important to you and needs to work towards a change in thought or behaviour.Sometimes the concern may be someone else — but our focus is on you, we do not coach a person who is not in the room.

Here are some typical topics that come up with leaders. It is not a complete list.


  • Organisational change management

  • Working with a culturally diverse team

  • Stakeholder management

  • Transitioning into a new role

  • Time management

  • Decision making

  • Crisis management

  • OKRs and KPIs


  • Organisational change management

  • Transitions (personal & professional)

  • Conflict management

  • Working with a culturally diverse team

  • Stakeholder management (the team)

  • Relationships

  • Boundaries

  • Building a highly functional team

  • Ideal team players

  • Motivation of team

  • Tasks vs People

  • Fostering community

  • Caring for the team

  • Expectations

  • Giving and getting feedback

  • Building trust

  • Communication with the team

  • Recruitment / Onboarding

  • Dealing with people's emotions

  • Resistance to change


  • Transitions (personal & professional)

  • Transitioning into a new role

  • Who am I? Who do I need to be?

  • "Impostor Syndrome"

  • Confidence as a leader

  • Life balance

  • Self management

  • Leading self

  • Boundaries

  • Becoming a better leader

  • Self-awareness

  • Understanding own strengths

  • Identifying areas for growth

  • Resistance to change

  • Loneliness

  • Understanding my values

  • Next steps …



3 months

full payment upfront


6 months

Upgrade from pack 1
(pay difference)


9 months

Upgrade from pack 2
(pay difference)


12 months

Upgrade from pack 3
(pay difference)

*VAT may be applicable, please ask for more information.Select clients can reconstruct to continue at a special "per session" rate. Clients may upgrade to the next pack by paying the difference at the end of the previous pack acquired.



6–12 month contracts negotiable for mutiple clients within an organisation — for monthly individual leadership coaching.